sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2018

DW 25 dez 2017, Impressionantes Novos Briefings: Indiciamentos em Massa...

Impressionantes Novos Briefings: Indiciamentos em Massa, Alvos de Prisões e Divulgação
por DW 25 dez 2017

Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure
by David Wilcock
December 25, 2017

pg 1-2: Impressionantes Novos Briefings: Indiciamentos em Massa, Alvos de Prisões e Divulgação
Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure:

pg. 2-2: Parte 2: Impressionantes Briefings de Novo Insider
Section Two: Remarkable New Insider Briefings

As duas pgs: All Pages


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